Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Does anyone know of a cream or a treatment that helps eliminates permanently body hair?

electrolysis is permanent

creams are notDoes anyone know of a cream or a treatment that helps eliminates permanently body hair?
Actually i dont' know of any cream, but you can have the laser treatment. Unfortunately some don't fully work and don't have any gurantees, but others do. So be sure to check out the different laser hair removal treatments and research them.Does anyone know of a cream or a treatment that helps eliminates permanently body hair?
electrolosis is the only thing i can think of but, it can be painful.
there is Vaniqua which is a hair removal creme, but i am not sure it is permanent plus is VERY pricey!
Creams dissolve the hair just below the skin surface, creating a smoother effect than shaving. However, dipilatories may irritate sensitive areas %26amp; their use is generally best restricted to the legs. Waxing, a method often used in beauty salons, is suitable for the legs %26amp; face. The wax is applied to the area %26amp; peeled off, pulling out the hair with it. Plucking with tweezers is suitable for small areas. After each of these methods, hair takes several weeks to regrow. Permanent removal of hair requires ELECTROLYSIS, in which an electric current is used to destroy the growing part of the hair. Electrolysis requires expertise, is very time-consuming, %26amp; is expensive, so it is usually used only for small areas.Pick one.

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