Tuesday, August 17, 2010

If i am shaving my body hair should i use shaving cream or shave in the shower, or an electric razor.?

use nair products for men...but if it proves to painful...then do it in the showerIf i am shaving my body hair should i use shaving cream or shave in the shower, or an electric razor.?
Mike, do whatever is most comfortable for you and causes the least amount of razor burn.

I have a trick for getting a really close shave for body hair which is use a really greasy lotion, like vaseline intensive care UNDER a layer of shaving cream. Then wash it all off with soap and water and then moisturize your skin. I have super sensitive skin and this does the best job for me.

It also helps to have a bath before you shave, it softens and moisturizes the skin.If i am shaving my body hair should i use shaving cream or shave in the shower, or an electric razor.?
I presume that you are shaving your body hair either to swim or bike competitevly. In any event, some of the above suggestions have merit, but I prefer to use a razor with four blades or more. Use a shaving gel instead of foam. A gel has conditioners and lubricants (vitamin E, Aloe), and good hot water wouldn't hurt. Good luck.
shaving cream
shaving cream but be careful what you shave
BE A MAN AND DRY SHAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
never use a wet razor on dry sin its a really good way to get ingrown hairs use some sort of shaving cream or gel or oil.
id personally shave in the shower with the cream
I would shave in the shower.An
electric razor
Depends on how thick it is. If it isn't very think, do it with a razor in the shower. If it is thick, use an electric razor to take the heavy stuff off first then shave the rest of it off in the shower.
It is personal perference. Me I use Veet. A Lotion. I'm sure it would work on a guy.
use a shaving gel for sensitive skin and your experience will be better.
It's whatever you prefer.go ahead be yourself. Can you make the big decision on your own?
shaving cream
well if you shave wrong you will get those red bumps that bug..you could use the electric but it may come out a bit stubby but if you use brand new razors and shave with shaving cream and go slow it should come out pretty good.

But if you have a grip of hair use the electric then the razor.

Hope i helped!
Electric razors will never give you a good close shave. So if you're going for hairless and smooth, you need a hot shower, a manual razor and shaving cream.

Also lotion will help with any irritation that occurs.
i,d say in the shower with soap.if you are a girl don,t do it you will end up with horrible hair.if you,re a man,the same thing applys,your hair will be worse
You should use an electric hair clipper. Razors will leave a rash. The clipper won't.
Use a gel shaving cream, a triple bladed razor, and in the shower. You will get a closer shave and fewer cuts. Make sure to change the blade sooner then you would normally change the blade for your face. If you let the blade get too dull, you will start to get what looks like little zits where you shave.
i would use shaving cream and shave in the shower
Use electric hair razor first if you are real hairy, then use a hair removal product. Last longer then shaving. If you don't want to shave every day, I would go get waxed, or if you have the money go get lazer hair removal. Then you wouldn't have hair for the rest of your life.
I would say body cream, or waxing but you really shouldnt shav your entire body to begin with.
directly electric razor..it wont hurt...but def put on either after shave or rubbing alsohol after...to make sure the cuts u get wotn be infected..it will hurt but it does the job
Do it in the shower but you can use hair conditioners as alternative for shaving creams so to avoid shaver cuts
It is up to you! For best results:

in the shower- use body wash

no getting wet- then use the shaving cream

I don't really recommend the electric razor other than facial hairs.

What work best is to just get in the shower and use soap, body wash, or shampoo.
Everyone likes to shave they're body in different way's. Whatever way your the most comfortable with. I like shaving with a razor in the shower with maybe some soap as my shaving cream. I find that I cut myself less this way and it feels like I've saved some shaving time this way to. You'll have to experiment with each different shaving style and pick out the one that suits your needs the best, the most comfortable way.
do it in the shower with shaving cream, use one for sensitive skin

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