Monday, July 26, 2010

Do body soaps that have moisturizer cream dissolve faster than soaps that dont have it?

I Use a moisturizing soap, Dove as a matter of fact, %26amp; I don't don't have a clue of what you mean by dissolve faster! Do you mean the bar it's self? or on how it works on your body %26amp; it lasting effect? I have no problem with mine, dissolving faster as a bar, or how clean %26amp; fresh I feel %26amp; smell through out the day, If I did I would change soaps. %26amp; I have had not offensive remarks made about my Hygiene, %26amp; have used this soap for 20 years! +Do body soaps that have moisturizer cream dissolve faster than soaps that dont have it?
What on earth was he talking about???
  • face mask
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